
Growing Resilience

We are a collaborative of women working to scale regenertive agriculture.

  • Meri Lillia Mullins


    Meri founded Growing Resilience to support farmers and ranchers in thriving ecologically and economically by de-risking the adoption of regenerative agriculture.

  • Erika Foster, PhD


    Erika researches land management impact on soil health and soil carbon sequestration on farms and ranches in the US and abroad.

  • Dani Kusner, CCA


    Dani integrates soil health and human health in her work with farmers and consumers. Through optimizing biological function, diversity, and nutrient cycling, the vitality of human and ecosystem health can be restored.

  • Madeline Mullins

    Madeline Mullins


    Madeline’s project focus at Growing Resilience has been Ecological Outcome Verification and relationship management.


  • Caity A. Peterson, PhD

    Associate Director and Research Fellow, Water Policy Center at the Public Policy Institute of California

    Specialties: Agroecology; diversified cropping systems; soil health; multi-benefit landscapes; agricultural land use and water policy