Meri Lillia Mullins is a first generation farmer with a background in chemical environmental engineering. Growing up camping in the woods on Lake Michigan she gained a deep appreciation for living in accordance with nature to conserve our landscapes and promote human health. After 5 years working at the intersection of energy, engineering, and climate change she was introduced to regenerative agriculture and its power to restore landscapes and mitigate climate change. The connection between human health, nature, and food lead to an organic transition into a fulfilling career in agriculture in 2016. Meri founded Growing Resilience in 2019 to support farmers in thriving ecologically and economically through de-risking the adoption of regenerative agriculture. Meri works with producers, non-profits, investors and brands to build resilience food systems and regenerative supply chains. She is committed to intentional community context creation and understanding, public policy action to incentivize and de-risk soil health practices, creative transition financing and technical assistance, carbon and ecosystem service markets program development, and the expansion of regional food systems & infrastructure to support small-medium family farms. Meri has traveled the country building relationships with a diversity of producers, gaining a deep understanding of the context of modern agriculture.

Savory Accredited Professional Educator 

Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) Certifier
